
  • wisdom adm 通过 wisdom adm
  • 7 月 ago
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Pet friendly


Pet friendly 宠物友好的公中养宠物已成为城市社会中不可否认的新角色。特别是在大城市如曼谷,居住在公寓中已经变得非常流行和广泛接受。公寓提供了多样化的选择,无论是在价格、地理位置、便利设施还是居住空间上。我们无法否认,最近,养狗或养猫等宠物养育趋势显著增加,这导致我们经常听到法律实体和居民之间的争议。

Wisdom Real Estate 看到了向公众推荐宠物友好公寓的机会,以减少上述问题。许多开发商已经建造了这种类型的公寓,重视细节和设计,以确保您和您的宠物在居住期间都能快乐。宠物友好的公寓不仅包括丰富的规章制度,也适合出租或自住。尽管您可能得到允许养宠物的许可,但您仍需严格遵守规定。



1. 位于Sukhumvit 107或ิ贝尔林的宠物友好公

Condo that allows pets in Sukhumvit 107 or Bearing area.


Sukhumvit 107或Bangna地区以其在购物、教育、医疗甚至创新科技等各个方面的多样性而闻名。尽管地区繁荣发展,但它始终保持着简单和平静的生活方式。最重要的是,这里从不拥挤,非常适合各种人群。


在这个位置上一个值得关注的项目是位于Sukhumvit 107的BRIXTON Condo,不仅提供宠物友好的概念,还有全面的照顾设施、宠物友好的公共区域以及价格合理的设施细节,起价为1.89百万泰铢起。



位置: 素坤逸 107 路, 贝尔林 胡同 4, Tambon 萨姆隆-努埃亚, Amphoe 北榄府 Province 北榄府 

项目面积: 2-0-31 莱

项目类型:低层公寓, 7 层高, 共 3 座建筑

房型: 1 卧室, 面积 26.72-30.12 平方米

单元数:237 单元 (每栋建筑 79 单元)

停车位: 每栋建筑 35 个车位 (叠式停车)


– 阳光休息室- 共享办公空间- 休闲花园- 宠物护理服务

– 健身房- 游泳池- 风景花园- 宠物服务解决方案 (宠物美容店, Sunny Pet Zone 宠物酒店)


– 24 小时闭路电视监控 – 出入控制系统 – 24 小时安保服务


– BTS 贝尔林 轻轨站 – 贝尔林 胡同 (素坤逸107) – 纳萨尔 胡同 (素坤逸 105)

– 素坤逸 路 – 西纳卡琳路 – 查勒姆;玛哈纳空高速公路 – 布拉法维西 高速公路

起始价格:从 1.89 百万泰铢起

备注: 起始价格从 1.89 百万泰铢起。


คอนโดเลี้ยงสัตว์ได้ คอนโดเลี้ยงสัตว์ได้ คอนโดเลี้ยงสัตว์ได้

这个项目是针对喜爱宠物的人群设计的新概念住宅,目前非常受欢迎。项目位于连接至苏坤逸路107号的地段,环境舒适便利,交通便捷,靠近BTS轻轨站、Chalerm Maha Nakhon高速公路和Buraphawithi高速公路。


这种位于苏坤逸路107号(或者称为Bang Na)或者班纳区的宠物友好型的住宅项目的起价为1.89百万泰铢*,非常适合追求高品质和舒适生活的人士,尤其是那些注重宠物和居住者同等重要性的人。

2. Condo near BTS Phahonyothin 59

Condo allows pets, near BTS, Phahonyothin 59 area.


对于那些养宠物并寻找靠近BTS轻轨的公寓的人来说,位于 拍凤裕庭路 59的公寓项目可能是一个令人感兴趣的选择。这是一个全新品牌的宠物友好型公寓,位于主干道旁的优越位置,并且靠近BTS 拍凤裕庭路 59。该项目还包括专为宠物设计的公共区域,即使在较小的单元中,也能保证足够的隐私。


这座宠物友好型公寓位于 拍凤裕庭路上,距离BTS  拍凤裕庭路 59仅约20米,交通便利。周围设施齐全,包括购物中心、餐厅、市场、学校和医院。此外,附近还有宠物店和兽医诊所。





– 项目位置:曼谷,邦肯区,阿努萨瓦里,拍凤裕庭路,泰国曼谷

– 土地面积:1-0-88 亩

– 公寓类型:低层,8 层,1 座建筑物

– 单位数量:144 单位

– 停车位:54 个,占地面积的 37.5%,包括堆叠停车位

– 预计完工时间:公历 2568 年

– 住房类型:

  * 一居室:28 平方米

  * 一居室 Plus:34.80 – 34.90 平方米

– 天花板高度:2.45 米

– 起价:2.99 – 3.79 百万泰铢

– 整体项目均价:约 100,000 泰铢/平方米及以上

– 环境影响评估(EIA):正在评估中

– 主要道路进出口:阿努萨瓦里路

– 靠近 BTS 空铁 59 车站,距离仅 20 米

– 靠近乐购超市(Lotus’s)主庫死店,方便购物和日常用品

– 环境优势:周围配备宠物医院、宠物店和公共花园等便利设施






根据用户的需求,该地区自驾出行便捷且多样。您可以使用 Phahon Yothin 路直接前往 Ratchayothin 或 Lat Phrao。或者,如果您想去兰实(Rangsit),您也可以这样做,但是,有时交通拥堵可能需要更长的时间。反之亦然从该项目您还可以前往 Ramintra 路或 Chaengwattana 路,这些路线可以前往 Pak Kret 或直接Chaengwattana地区仍然是一个不断扩张的地区。它拥有各种办公室和百货商店。其中有中央和宪法捍卫者纪念碑等是该地区的重要地点。还有一个环岛和一座横跨 Phahon Yothin 路交叉口的桥梁。




该地区公共交通出行便捷、多样。因为有很多公交车经过这条路。而这条路,又是一条重要的主干道。可以方便地呼叫摩托车或出租车服务。您还可以轻松步行前往位于 Phahon Yothin 59 站的 BTS 轻轨。由于距离仅约20米,对于那些每天想要轻松前往曼谷各个地方的人来说,在该地区乘坐公共交通出行十分方便快捷。


该项目显然位于一个肥沃的地区,距离不超过10公里,起点是几所大学、学校、医院、寺庙、政府区,也靠近廊曼机场。这使得该地区适合品质生活。当谈论生活时就业地点也是一个需要考虑的重要因素。项目周边有各种百货商店和大型超市。位于Central Ramindra Department Store、Foodland、Lotus’s、Big C Saphan Mai等许多地方,只需步行5分钟即可到达,还有Ying Charoen市场和Or Ngoen市场等大型市场。位于附近让旅行购买消费品也变得容易。

而且,Ying Charoen Market也是这一带的一个大市场,干货、生鲜、杂货、餐厅都有,停车也方便。可以访问各种产品和服务这很容易。它也靠近 CGH 医院。当发生不舒服的事件时Phahon Yothin路两侧都是4层的商业建筑,底层是商店和餐馆。为了方便购物和使用设施在这样一个富饶繁华的地区这里还设有宠物食品店、动物医院、供儿童玩耍的公园等动物爱好者的设施,可以说是养宠物人士的理想居住场所。




Big C超市:1.2公里。

拉明特拉市中心:1.4 公里。

Ying Charoen市场:3.3公里

主要拉查育廷 (Major Ratchayothin):7 公里








挽庆农业大学:7.0 公里。


Wat Phra Si Mahathat Worawihan 寺:1.7 公里。

Bang Khen 地区办事处:2.3 公里





Ratchapruek 高尔夫球场:7.7 公里



– 意外事故保险

– 宠物生病的治疗费用

– 对外人员的责任

– 因宠物造成外部个人的生命和身体损害

– 因宠物造成外部个人的财产损害

– 宠物丧生后的殡葬费用

– 宠物因意外受伤或生病导致死亡的赔偿费用

– 宠物的疫苗接种费用

– 宠物走失后的广告和搜寻费用

– 主人因出国而需要寄养宠物的费用

คอนโดเลี้ยงสัตว์ได้ คอนโดเลี้ยงสัตว์ได้ คอนโดเลี้ยงสัตว์ได้ คอนโดเลี้ยงสัตว์ได้Condo allows pets. On Phahonyothin Road Convenience of traveling

3. 5 Lat Phrao Intersection near MRT Phahon Yothin

Condo that allows pets, 5 Lat Phrao intersection, near MRT Phahon Yothin 230 meters.

该项目位于5 Lat Phrao Intersection,可便捷连接Lat Phrao路、Lat Phrao Intersection等多条重要路线。和 Lat Phrao-Ratchada 交叉口包括 Phahonyothin 路维巴瓦迪兰实路和拉差达能路这是连接收费公路的主要路线和 Si Ra 高速公路还包括 Si Ra 高速公路 – 外环路。

它还靠近重要的公共交通站 Phahon Yothin 地铁站,仅 230 米,在 Lat Phrao 十字路口连接 BTS 系统,距离 Lat Phrao 地铁站仅 900 米,这是一个连接黄色电车的车站火车。并接驳橙线、红线、浅红线、紫线,进出更加便捷。



该项目以其令人难以置信的最大设施而脱颖而出,特别是在最完整的公共区域方面。因为它的设计采用了 MAXIMALIFE 理念,让生活能够体验下一个常态时代的自由与平衡,而一切重要的一切都从多功能运动停车场开始,这是一个可以转换成场地的多层停车位. 篮球场和110米宽的跑道等许多运动项目。

该项目还将自然融入到每个楼层,包括感官花园(一个大型、可爱的绿色花园,可供放松身心)、治疗花园(位于 8 楼的各种植物花园,非常适合恢复心灵活力)和天空城市农场(Sky Urban Farm)。这是一个菜园区,居民可以根据自己的心情种植蔬菜。顶楼还设有派对甲板,非常适合在特殊日子举办宴会和聚会



该项目采用高层公寓形式,高45层,占地3-2-14.3莱,共有741个住宅单元,有房间可供选择。根据您的需求,从单间公寓、1 卧室、1 卧室、2 卧室 1 浴室到 2 卧室 2 浴室房间面积从 23.7 至 49.6 平方米不等。

此外,还安装了松下 Nanoe-X 或同等产品*,这是一项有助于消除和阻止病毒的创新,以及覆盖每个单元的家庭自动化系统。让居民生活顺利该项目预计将于 2025 年竣工并投入使用。


Pet Friendly Residences







其他设施亮点包括提供各种锻炼和运动场所的多功能运动停车场,以及美丽的屋顶花园和私人泳池系统 Sky Botanique。酒店还设有健身房和屋顶游泳池,可欣赏城市美景。

该项目还设有电动汽车充电桩、闭路电视系统和24小时保安人员,以确保居民的安全与安宁。价格起价 299 万泰铢*(2022 年 3 月)这是您现在最完整、最现代的地址!






4. Pet Friendly Kaset – Sripatum

Pet friendly condo in Kaset-Sripatum area.

Condo project in Kaset – Sripatum area is one of the projects with the most powerful facilities on AssetWise’s list, with up to 60 functions available to users. The location is close to the university as well. Helps the project have internal functions that meet the needs of people of all age levels. Whether working people, investors, or students, and there are facilities suitable for those who want to raise pets in the condo as well.

This project focuses on combining convenience in every aspect of life by responding to living, working, learning, relaxing and shopping. The project is divided into 2 buildings, with the main building A being 21 floors high and Building B being 7 floors high, with a total of 798 residential units, which is definitely considered a large project in this area.

This project is one of the only projects near Kasetsart University that currently allows pets. This is good news for Pet Friendly animal lovers who definitely want to raise dogs and cats in their condos.

The building that allows pets is Building B, which is located at the front, separated from the main building. It is also a building with shops under it. It is a convenient location for easier and more convenient shopping at the store.

Although the stores that will open in the future remain a secret, But these stores will help create convenience for the residents of the project. It also allows outsiders to come and use the service. As well, having a small pedestrian gate that connects to the public area in front is very convenient.


Prerequisites for keeping animals in condo projects Pet Friendly

  1. Pet Size: Pets must generally be small. and weighing no more than 10-15 kilograms

  2. Health Care: Health examinations and vaccinations are required for pets. or have a certificate from a veterinarian as specified by the project

  3. Number of Pets: Limit the number of pets in each room generally to one.

  4. Allowed area: Pets are allowed to use only the Pet Zone, which is in the area of ​​Building B, and are not allowed to enter the central area of ​​Building A.

  5. Control: Pet owners must control their pets with a leash at all times while out using the service.

  6. Cleanliness: Pet owners are responsible for maintaining cleanliness by collecting waste every time their pets use the Pet Zone.

  7. Additional Charges: There are additional charges/admission fees that may apply. (Inquire with the project for more information)


The amenities of each floor of the condo project are as follows:

G Floor:

  • Backyard Living Space

  • Pet Park

  • EV Charging Station

  • The Vault Lobby A

  • The Vault Lobby B [Pet Friendly]

3 Floors:

  • Tutor Room

  • Co-Living Space

  • Vault Pod

4 Floors:

  • Sunrise Pool ขนาด 6.5 x 25 m.

  • Sunset Pool

  • Sunrise Floating Pavilion

  • Sunrise Jacuzzi

  • Sunset Amphitheater

  • Sunset Sunken Deck

  • Shallow Pool Bed

  • Sunset Lounge

  • Chilling Bar

  • Pool Deck

  • Pocket Seat

  • Co-Working Space 24 hrs.

  • Recreation Space

  • Meeting Room

  • Sharing Space

  • Private Pod

  • Brainstorm Station

  • Wash & Clean

  • Fit Club

  • Fit Studio

  • Boxing Zone

  • Pilates Machine

  • VR Game

  • Theater

  • Salon & Beauty Lounge

  • Aroma Massage Room

  • Relax Massage

  • Oxygen Room

  • Retreat Area

5 Floors:

  • Seat Area

  • Pet Wash Station

  • Pet Waste Station

  • Pet Play Yard

  • Pet Playhouse

21 Floors:

  • Relaxing Panoramic Lap Pool size 4 x 20 m.

  • Sunrise Lounge

  • Sunrise Pocket Space

  • Sunrise Sky Pool Deck

  • Sunset Sky Shallow Pool

  • Sunset Relaxing Deck

  • Sky BBQ

  • Heaven Balcony

  • The Cloud Lounge

  • Moonlight Lounge

  • Panoramic Mingle Room

  • Creative Studio

  • Live Studio

  • Co-Dining

  • Sky Seat

  • The Social Club

  • Private Jacuzzi

  • Sauna

Including additional details about the elevator ratio throughout the project and other services such as the number of parking spaces and shuttle service provided in this project. It also includes a comprehensive security system with CCTV, Key Card Access, and a license plate scanning system.

Summary of project facilities Including a variety of common areas that cover all customer needs. Whether it’s a space for exercising Area for work or a space for relaxing and socializing It is an ideal location for living a complete and happy life as you live your life. There is also standard security and Shuttle Service that you can use for a comfortable trip. This project is therefore the perfect choice for your residence and investment in real estate in the Kaset – Sripatum area.


Project information:

  • The project is located: Soi Phayothin 49/1, Chatuchak District.
  • Land: 5-01-42 rai
  • Condo type: High Rise 21 floors, 1 building and Low Rise 7 floors, 1 building.
  • Number of units: 798 units (divided into Building A, 21 floors, 637 units / Building B, 7 floors, 150 units and 11 units of shops)
  • Maximum units per floor: 42 units at Building A
  • Parking: 292 cars, or 37%, excluding double parking and excluding 2 EV Chargers.
  • Construction start: Q1 2024
  • Expected completion: Q3 2026.


Simplex Room:

  • 1 Bedroom (S) Size: 22.00 – 24.20 SQ.M.

  • 1 Bedroom Size: 24.20 – 24.90 SQ.M.

  • 1 Bedroom Exclusive Sizw: 26.20 – 27.10 SQ.M.

  • 1 Bedroom Extra Size: 27.90 – 28.70 SQ.M.

  • 1 Bedroom Plus Size: 34.40 – 35.50 SQ.M

Vertical Suite Room (High ceiling)

  • 1 Bedroom (S) VS Size 22.6 SQ.M. + Plan Unit 9.3 SQ.M.

  • 1 Bedroom VS Size 24.4 – 24.5 SQ.M. + Plan Unit 9.4 – 10 SQ.M

  • 1 Bedroom Exclusive VS Size 26.2 – 27 SQ.M. + Plan Unit 10 – 10.5 SQ.M.

  • 1 Bedroom Extra VS Size 27.9 SQ.M. + Plan Unit 14.3 SQ.M.

  • 1 Bedroom Plus VS Size 34.4 SQ.M. + Plan Unit 19 SQ.M.

  • Ceiling height: 2.6 meters in a normal room type.

  • Start Price: 2.29 MB

  • Average price for the entire project: 110,000 baht/SQ.M.


The project is located on Bang Khen Canal Road, which is a new road connecting Vibhavadi Road and Phahon Yothin Road. Makes traveling comfortable in every direction. This location is a diverse destination for many people. Whether it is people working in educational institutions in this area such as Kasetsart University and Sripatum University, as well as people working in the Forestry Department and office workers near Ratchayothin Intersection. that use the electric train as the main means of traveling

This is because the road along Bang Khen Canal has been expanded to 4 lanes and the environment has been arranged to make it more usable. But there are still some restrictions, such as shops and restaurants that are not currently available. However, if there are more residents, There may be additional shops and facilities in the future.

In terms of price The project has an average price of approximately 110,000 baht per square meter. which is considered to be quite clustered with projects in the same area Even though the price is higher than houses in the alley or secondary road. But this project is interesting in various aspects, such as having the most diverse central area in the area. Pets are allowed and there are fully furnished rooms ready to move in. Therefore, the value of this project lies in meeting the needs of buyers and their satisfaction with what this project has to offer.

Traveling by private car:  

The project is located on Bang Khen Canal Road, which is a pass that connects two major roads. namely Phahonyothin Road and Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road. Makes choosing to use both travel routes very convenient. There is also a university gate directly next to this road.

There are a total of 292 parking spaces in the project, or approximately 37% of the number of units. And consider using the electric train as another convenient way to travel in this area. There are also parts of the population that use motorcycles to drive in the area more. The project has therefore prepared parking spaces to accommodate the needs of users traveling by car as well.

Therefore, using a car is a method of traveling at the project. Fully prepared to make it convenient for those who have access to use the service. and meets high standards in providing services to those who need to use cars and public transport systems in this area

Traveling by public transport:  

Traveling without using a car in the project is also not inferior. The project is close to BTS Bang Bua Station, only 550 meters, which can be easily reached by walking distance. The pedestrian walkways in this area are large and convenient during the daytime. however, it can be a little quiet during night hours as it is not a path that is constantly passed by pedestrians. People can call for a motorbike taxi service at the entrance of the alley or they can call a taxi in front of the project as they want to come and go.

In addition, the project also has a Shuttle Service providing pick-up and drop-off services at the university and two BTS stations for the convenience of service users who have travel needs. Therefore, in conclusion, the project is reasonably convenient both for traveling by Use your feet Using a motorcycle win or calling a taxi for the user’s travel

Project format:

Project design The context of the location has been carefully considered. It is close to educational institutions, workplaces, and public transportation. Make the project interesting to a variety of groups of people. It is designed to have functions that can answer the needs of living, working, learning, relaxing and shopping. This makes the project one of the large projects with the most central functions in this area.

This project also meets the needs of students differently than other condos near universities. The interior design is chosen as an Arch architecture that emphasizes Curve & Symmetry to create a luxurious and unique atmosphere. It is also suitable for AssetWise’s customers who have a preference for luxury rather than sportiness. The project is also divided into 2 buildings, with Building B being

Pet Friendly  There are shops under the building. For the convenience of service users While Building A has more convenience in using the central area. And you can enter the elevator directly from the parking floor. without having to walk across the connecting bridge Even though there may be density in the surrounding area of ​​the neighbors. and higher elevator usage rates This causes the elevator to have to wait sometimes during rush hour.

Living room design:  

Design of living rooms and living spaces in the project Important consideration has been given to the convenience and variety of service users. There is a 1 bedroom room with the entire room separated by glass for spaciousness and transparency. and rooms separated by solid walls for privacy. This is so that users can choose a room according to their preferences and lifestyle.

There are also special rooms such as rooms with twin beds for roommate living for investors or parents with very special needs. There are also rooms with high ceilings that give a home-like atmosphere and rooms specifically for pet owners, making the project have room types that meet the needs of a wide variety of service users. at a possible price and create a comprehensive and impressive living experience

Materials used in construction:

The project’s Fully Furnished sale allows buyers to save a lot of time decorating rooms. The furniture will come complete and you can just bring your bags and move in immediately. The materials used are quite high quality and meet current needs.

Changes in construction materials have followed the times and technology. This is an example of adapting to changes in the environment and user needs, for example the use of more water resistant SPC flooring. For durability and stability of wooden floors and using the Bluetooth Sound System to give users the full experience of listening to music in the room. Which is only a small part of the perfection and modernity of condominiums in the present day.


The project has a variety of utility facilities that cover all user needs. It provides up to 60 functions within a single project. By focusing on providing full service and convenience to users every day.

24-hour Co-Working Space is one of its outstanding functions. Create an ideal environment for workers or students who want to learn and work all the time. Especially during the late hours when people want to study or prepare for exams.

There are also two large swimming pools. so that users can use other functions and leisure activities comfortably which includes a movie room Games room, massage/spa room, and beauty salon

In addition, Building B also has a function for raising pets. It focuses on separate services for those with pets. There is no additional charge other than the first time use fee only. This allows pet owners to conveniently use the project’s services without having to worry about appropriate facilities.

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Who is this project suitable for:

This project is suitable for people who want a condo located near Kasetsart University. and can easily walk to use the BTS Skytrain, with more than 60 complete facilities provided within the project.

The main functions of the project include a 24-hour Co-Working Space suitable for both working people and students who want to work or learn all the time. There are also two swimming pools. and other functions such as a movie room, game room, massage/spa room, and beauty salon room.

The project also has a building specifically for keeping animals. The focus is on the condo having 1 bedroom with appropriate proportions. With a closed kitchen that is convenient to use. And it is sold as Fully Furnished, ready to move in with your bags. The price starts from 2.29 million baht.

5. Pet Friendly Ratburana Road

Condo allows pets. Ratburana Road area Rat Burana District

Riverside condos in the Rat Burana-Rama 3 area have been newly launched, although there are still several condos in the same area still for sale. But condos next to the river are more interesting. Especially this project next to the river. Prices here start at only 1.79 million baht.

This project has many highlights. It is a condo project next to the river. At a price that is easily accessible Large swimming pool garden area And most of the rooms have a river view. In addition, the rooms are designed to have extra wide fronts. And there is a building where pets can be kept.

The location of the project is near the expressway and easy travel to Rama 3. In the future, there will also be the Southern Purple Line coming to this zone. There is also a variety of facilities such as large rooms with many different types to choose from. large common area And there is a building where pets can be kept. Suitable for those looking for a condo that is both comfortable and beautiful to live in.


Project information:

  • Project located: Ratburana Road Rat Burana District
  • Land: 12-1-13 rai
  • Condo type:

High Rise – Mid Rise 8 buildings
Building A : 31 floors
Building B : 35 floors
Building C: 35 floors
Building D : 28 floors
Building E : 18 floors
Building F : 19 floors
Building G : 31 floors
Building H: 33 floors

Number of units: 1,517 units, 4 retail units
Maximum units per floor: 27 units at Building F
Parking: 678 cars, accounting for 44%
Construction start: Q2 2023
Expected completion: Q3 2025.
Room type:

Studio 22-23.15 sq m.

  • 1 Bedroom 24.9-31.65 sq m.
  • 1 Bedroom Plus 33.6-45.3 sq m.
  • 2 Bedroom 47-77.35 sq m.
  • 3 Bedroom 105.75 sq m.
  • Ceiling height: 2.6 meters
  • Starting price: 1.79 million baht

Average price for the entire project: approximately 9x,xxx baht/sq m (ask about the project again)



This project has the advantage of being located next to the Chao Phraya River. This is a feature that is hard to find in the Rat Burana-Rama 3 zone. Most of the condos in this zone that are still available for sale are now. “River View Condo” which only has a view of the river. and does not have the same waterfront amenities as “Riverside Condo”

Having a waterfront location is a major advantage. Because it is filled with a calm atmosphere and a beautiful view of the river. Making it preferred by those who want tranquility and comfortable relaxation.

Although waterfront condos are limited in providing waterfront amenities, But it is still beautiful and unique in terms of the views that can be seen. It is worthwhile and interesting for those who want a unique condo location.

Nearby landmarks This project is as follows:


  • Big C – Distance approximately 2.1 kilometers.
  • Terminal 21 Rama 3 – distance approximately 9.7 kilometers.
  • ICON SIAM – Distance approximately 10.5 kilometers.
  • Central Rama 3 – distance approximately 11.2 kilometers.
  • Central Rama 2 – distance approximately 12.2 kilometers.


  • Kasikorn Bank Ratburana Office Branch – distance approximately 550 meters
  • Bank of Ayudhya Head Office – Distance approximately 9.3 kilometers.

Travel help:

Industrial Ring Road – Distance approximately 4 kilometers, Chalerm Maha Nakhon Expressway. Suksawat Checkpoint – Distance approximately 5 kilometers, parallel bridge, Rama 9 Bridge (scheduled to open in 2024), Purple Line Ratburana Station (Expected to be completed in 2027)

Project details:

Condo with prices starting at 1.79 million baht is one of the projects located along the river. Not the typical river view found in this area. Therefore, it is a condo that is in demand and hard to find in this area.

The project consists of a total of 1,517 residential units, divided into high-mid rise condominium clusters with 8 buildings to ensure an even distribution of residents. Each building may have fewer rooms per floor, with Buildings A,B,C,D,G and H having between 4-10 units per floor only.

The project is also Pet Friendly, with buildings that allow pets to be legally kept and rooms that are suitable for pets.

The common facilities in the project are diverse. These include Sky Zone, River Zone, Forest Zone, and Valley Zone, which offer a variety of living experiences and fully meet the needs of residents.

Summary of facilities:

The project has a wide range of amenities and covers all residents’ needs, including:

1 Floor:

  • Valley Zone ที่มี Co-Working Space, Multi-Function Room, Meeting Room, และ Kids Club (Building G)
  • Other amenities such as Lobby, Mail Room, Laundry, and Delivery Station are available in every building.

2nd floor of every building:

  • Connecting Sky Path connects buildings.

35th floor of Buildings B and C:

  • Sky Zone Facility consisting of Sky Lounge All-day Bar, Sky Theatre, Sky Co-Kitchen, Party Room, Sky Spa, Private Onsen, Stream/Sauna, and Observation Bridge

1st and 2nd floors of Building H:

  • River Zone Facility with River Lounge, River Deck, River Fitness Center, and Kids Pool with various sizes of salt system. for fun

1st floor around the building:

  • Forest Zone Facilities includes Passive Park, Forest Cocoon, Playscape, Pet Park, Sunken Lawn, Jogging Track, and Stream Pavilion.


  • 24-hour security system with CCTV and Key Card
  • Shuttle Van to the nearest BTS
  • Shuttle Cart Service
  • 2 passenger elevators per building
  • The elevator ratio throughout the project is as high as 94 : 1.
  • Approximately 678 parking spaces make up 44% of the project.

Traveling by private car:

Travel in this project is well planned for the comfort of the residents. Especially when wanting to enter the city. which can be used primarily as a bridge across the river The two main bridges that can be used are the Rama 9 Bridge (expressway) and Bhumibol Bridge. (Industrial Ring Road) but must go up and down at Suksawat Road. Therefore, there is a greater demand for travel planning. For ease of access to that area If there is an additional bridge parallel to Rama IX Bridge in the future. It will make traveling more comfortable as well. But for those who don’t want to cross the river You can still travel more conveniently.

Traveling using public transportation:

Traveling without using a car is convenient in this project. Because public transportation services are provided appropriately. Traveling by bus and motorcycle is easy. There is a bus and motorcycle taxi stop located not far from the project, only about 50 meters. You can also call a taxi or songthaew directly from the project.

In the future, traveling will also be more convenient. When the Southern Purple Line comes to connect with Tao Poon. The nearest station is Ratburana Station. Makes traveling back and forth to various places It is convenient and fast.

Who is this project suitable for:

This project is suitable for people who are looking for a condo located next to the river to meet both their needs for private living and convenience in traveling. Especially for:

Singles or couples looking for a condo to live alone or for two. Considering the width of the room and having a good view as desired.
Large families who want a second home and need a condo with all the amenities to relax in.
People who have pets and want an address that allows pets in the condo.
Investors who want to invest in a condo located next to a river to increase its future value.
For those who work in the areas around Rama 3, Rat Burana, Phra Pradaeng, Suksawat or Pracha Uthit. This riverside condo is a great choice because of its ease of transportation, especially when it comes to accessing the Bangkok area and nearby parks.

For those working in the Rama 3 zone and Rat Burana, Phra Pradaeng, Suksawat or Pracha Uthit zones. This riverside condo is a great choice. Because it is convenient to travel, especially if wanting to enter areas in Bangkok and nearby parks.

However, buying a condo that allows pets is attractive to animal lovers. Because it is comfortable and full of amenities for pets. We can have a great time with our pets without worrying about the amenities. However, when purchasing a condo that allows pets, you must consider making sure that there are appropriate amenities for your pet. Including the convenience of caring for and raising pets in an appropriate environment.

For those who are interested in purchasing a condo that allows pets but still don’t know how to get a loan, you can read the article. ขั้นตอนการกู้ซื้อบ้าน ซื้อคอนโด ทำอย่างไรให้ผ่าน  ดอกเบี้ยบ้าน อัปเดตล่าสุด 2567 ทุกธนาคาร Before choosing, decide on the condo you want.

Wisdom Real Estate Real estate service provider, buy, sell, rent | consignment of houses, free consultations, taking care of every step from applying for a loan to the transfer date.


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